Monday, October 31, 2005

A quiet cacophony

What you see may not be what i'm seeing,
what you interpret may not be what i m portraying.
Looks can be deceiving, so don't judge the book by its cover.

On the surface, everything may seem smooth and wonderful,
but on the inside, an internal rumble is taking place.
What is happening? A prelude for a deeper rumble?

I should be happy with what i have,
i should be grateful with what i m getting.
But some things just don't seem right... and i can't figure it out.
Do i need a shrink?

Maybe i just want out.
Out of this place.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Core Value Award

Awarded mainly for the contributions in the 2300 Versys CIP, and demonstrating the following company core values:

i) Ownership and Accountability
ii) Think: Customer, Company, Individual

Sweet... honestly i mean it.
Feeling appreciated by my employers, thanks boss.

One of the gifts: a 14 karat gold lapel pin